To add access to files in your Google Drive when using MS Office 2010, 2013, or 2016 on a Windows computer, you can use a plug-in.
First, go to and download the plug in and and run it. After it finishes, running, click Get Started, then put in your Google address (like - or if you prefer any gmail address). Click Next, enter your Google password and click Next. You will be asked for a type of verification. Select the one you prefer and complete it. When it is finished, you will click Done. Restart your computer.
Now if you open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint 2016, you will have the option to open a file from Google Drive. Or you may save any open file to Google Drive. If you select Open, you will see Google Drive as a location. You will may need to log in to Google Drive with your user name and password the first time you try this.
Download Google Workspace for Mac to achieve high performance with efficiently-organized, all-encompassing, cloud-native, integrated productivity, management, and collaboration toolset. Yes, you can install and use Office 2016 for Mac and Office for Mac 2011 at the same time. However, we recommend that you uninstall Office for Mac 2011 before you install the new version just to prevent any confusion. To uninstall Office for Mac 2011, follow the steps in Uninstall Office 2011 for Mac. How do I pin the Office app icons to the dock?
Office 2016 KMS Activator Ultimate 1.2 Portable No files in this folder. Sign in to add files to this folder. Try Drive for free. Google Drive is a safe place for all your files. Get started today. First, begin a new message and then click or tap the attachment icon. Next, select Google Drive and enter your account credentials. Once added, your Google Drive appears as a source when attaching files. You can browse and select your files from either a list view or as thumbnails.
You will also see a new tab for Google Drive in the ribbon. You may also use this to save or open MS Office files to Google Drive.
Office 2016 For Mac Google Drive Mac
Additionally, this adds a feature to MS Outlook 2016 'Insert files using Drive' that allows you to select a file from Google Drive to embed as a link or add as a file attachment to the current message. There is also a Google Drive ribbon when composing new messages.
Install Office 2016 For Mac
Note: from inside Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, if you open a file that is in MS Office format (.docx, .xlsx, or .pptx), it will open directly in the desktop application. But if you try to open a file in Google Format (Docs, Sheets, or Slides), it will open the file in the browser for editing.
Office 2016 For Mac Google Drive Mp4
If you have more questions about this, email: or call 864-656-1344.